Lyric discussion by Zack887 

KoRn has been my favorite band for 5 years. A friend of mine got me into them, I got everything they already had out, and then bought Untoucahbles and Mirror when they came out. I agree with a lot of what has been said here about bands changing and stuff. I agree woth sadistic sniper, except that maybe KoRn took "Word Up" a little more seriously than he thinks. I mean, keep in mind the techno remix of "Here to Stay" as a bonus track on some certain Untouchable albums, as well as the remix of "Freak on a Leash" on their greatest hits albums. "Alone I Break" kind of has a poppy sound to it as well. I don't think these songs are attempts of KoRn to reach out to a poppy audience looking for cash. Is your average teeny-bobber really gonna buy KoRn's greatest hits album because it as an old-school funk cover on it? I think it is Korn having fun, playing what they feel like covering. There is a lot of hip hop on some Korn songs, and hip hop was a stem off of funk. I wouldn't doubt if "Word Up" was something Korn listened to before they were the band we know and love. Korn is a band that has hardcore dedicated followers, which is their fan base. They don't have the strength in numbers that other bands of similar success may have. If you don't like the covers, and already have the other 17 songs on Greatest Hits on various other albums, then don't buy the CD. Don't lose respect for the best, most innovative band since Pink Floyd. (Btw I hope more of you guys like that cover than "Word Up". They did that beautifully. It sounds a lot like the origional, with a super dose of KoRn heaviness. Rock on)

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