Lyric discussion by yellowstar 

But the "gave birth to a ten pound baby boy" --yeah. Doesn't sound like ol' Patti & Billy are going to be living too free anymore. Or that time is on their side. ...What do you say, Rod?

That "Woo!" gets me every time.

LOL. :) That is a big baby.

@yellowstar Exactly. I keep thinking about how they’re gonna have the money to feed and clothe the kid & keep a roof over their heads. Made me laugh that they could find a 2-room apartment that they could afford—what a fantasy. What was Rod smoking when he wrote that? It would be amazing if the two of them could even find a studio apartment they could afford. So is Billy gonna be a stand up guy and get a job to support this kid, or is he gonna bail & she goes back to Mom & Dad with their “love...

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