Lyric discussion by rott3n 

another anti-american anthem... gotta love it.

4 min ago

Rated 0 im not just from America, im also in the world's greatest Navy. so yea i have to say though this song is so true about us and how we want it our way everywhere. who cares if people in other countries are starving if they dont like us then fuck it they can just suffer with no help at all.

on the other side of things tho i think the Germans are just mad cuz we came in three years late and kicked there asses wait heres the funny part. not one but two wars.

Yeah, it must be terribly difficult to wait out until an army is all but defeated to come in and deliver a killing blow. But when you are there from the very beginning, you can't even deliver the goods. Cases in point: Iraq and Afghanistan.

But keep cheering Mr. Sailor, I'm sure your daddy's proud of you no matter what.

how is it anti-american?

We're all living in Amerika Amerika ist wunderbar We're all living in Amerika Amerika, Amerika

Wunderbar = wonderful

tell me how its un american???

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