Lyric discussion by shadowwiththeeyes 

I think one of the major things this song is about is how corruptive power becomes. Like how even a seemilngly laid-back hippie like J.Brown can turn into Hitler if he's given the resources, one thing i've noticed that supports that:

"Serpent's egg's already hatched" -- i think it's a direct reference to the play Julius Caesar, where Brutus says "think him as a serpent's egg, Which, hatch'd, would, as his kind, grow mischievous, And kill him in the shell." Basically, what's going on in the play (and in real life, to some extent) was that Caesar was a really popular leader, and Brutus was his closest friend, but brutus feared that caesar wsa too ambitious and power-hungry, and so giving him too much power would go to his head and turn him into a tyrant (that's just a crude summary of the play). IN the line i quoted, brutus is basically saying that caesar may seem all harmless and innocent now, like the egg, but that if he's left to grow more powerful, he'll eventually hatch into a serpent. I think that's what jello's saying in the song about Jerry Brown in particular, but also about power and politics/leaders as a whole.

A bit wordy, but i figured i'd mention it since noone else has.

@shadowwiththeeyes I always felt that it was an indictment on left wing politicians being as bad as there conservative counterparts. Jerry Brown (then and now) came off as the "moon child" that was going to turn California into a hippie paradise. I think jello is pointing out that power corrupts- "suede denim secret police", "die of organic poison gas" " you'll get to meditate in school" and "you will choke you little clown/when you mess with president brown". Plus there is always the Uber Alles reference to the German National anthem....

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