Lyric discussion by Killspy 

I think it's about birth.

"...calling me back to her silver womb..." Doesn't want to leave the warmth of a mothers womb.

"Father of creation takes me from my stolen tomb" It's time for him to be born and since the father of creation made everything, he decides (basically) it's time.

"Seventh night...unicorn waiting in the skies.." Maybe one of those motorized carousel things hanging above cribs..I don't know.

"Take my hand..." (Third chorus) The mother is so happy about her newborn child.

"..Child of loves creation..." Lovers create babies...

"Symptom of the Universe a love that never dies." Most women get that feeling it's time to make a child, which would be the symptom, and after theve done it, they love what hey produce.

At least thats what I think it is about. Any thoughts?

The lyrics here are wrong thats partly why peolpe can figure it out. Its seven hundreth unicorn is waiting.. Geezer Butler wrote these lyrics from a dream he had. He is the bass player. Ozzy hardly ever wrote a lyric or the music itself. Iommi and butler wrote these. Its mother moon,,not mother mooch. mother mooch doesnt even mean anything lol.. where does this site find its lyrics??

I agree with you.

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