Lyric discussion by emokid86 

Now many of you may call me insane but i think this song has a deeper, darker meaning than what most of you have thus far been able to articulate. To me the song appears to be about the effect of human frailty on a persons view of themselves, at birth we are new to the world, free of any outside influence, from that moment onwards our lives, our personalities are moulded and dictated by the actions of those who surround us, it is from them we learn everything from morals and values through to speech patterns and getures. When Matt sings "break me in, teach us to cheat and to lie, cover up what shouldn't be shared?" he is documenting the unfortunate effects that experience can have on the human soul, the morally clean slate gifted at child birth, is slowly and surely disolved as one becomes consumed by the fatal instincts of modern life, lie, cheat steel, emotionless sex( what shouldnt be shared)

The chorus is Matts appeal to the creator, whoever that may be according to his personal beliefs, he is wishing to hold his stage, to be able to manipulate the hands of time, so that his soul is cleansed, cast back to the pure state of infancy.

The last verse is an emotional appeal for all the madness in the world to stop, a plea to whomever or whatever is responsible for his decaying moral and physical identity, as matt sings wash me away clean your body of me erase all the memories they will only bring us pain and i've seen, all i'll ever need

he is pleading that the faults that he has learned through life in this modern world be stricken away, and that the moral decline our society experiences is having nothing but a negative effect on the mental well being of the planets occupants, that is we the people of earth. In many ways Citizen Erased reminds me of the poetry of the great William Blake, in particular his Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience collections, in which Blake studies the effects of the outside world on the minds of London's inhabitants, taking in the optimistic, unlearned view of Innocence felt at childhood, and contrasting it with the stagnant, depressing view of one whom has learned from the experiences of the world. Whether or not Bellamy is a fan of Blake's works i am unaware, but the connection is almost uncanny.

The awesome power of the lyrics are only further entrenched into the listeners pysche through the faultless mixture of technical prowess and emotional cleansing that make up the songs structure. The music is nothing short of majestic, the soundscapes so diverse it transcends definition.

Citizen Erased is Matt Bellamy's depiction of the effects of the state of inocence and experience on the human soul, much like other visonary artisits before him, particularly William Blake, he has chosen unparralled power in his expression, only Matt's guitar,falsetto vocals and intricate piano, when coupled with the mystical abilities of the rythm section, screams a hell of a lot louder than poetry and etchings ever did.


I agree. I think this ^^ is the meaning of the song.

You didnt just hit the head of the nail with this YOU DROVE THE NAIL THROUGH THE VERY EDGES OF THE EARTH!

Spot on if u ask me. I've been listening to Muse since their first studio album showbiz, and never stopped They just caught me with their bombastic arangements and progressive influences. And beside that, their lyrics... Just listnen close, Matt Bellamy has something to say.

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