Lyric discussion by spamuell 

I didn't know that Morrissey was gay until I read this site, so I understood this song (and all others) differently to many of you. It's strange, everyone seems to think that every song is about Morrisey's sexual orientation. I interpreted this song similarly to BobC in the feeling of alienation in clubs and bars but not because of sexuality but because Morrissey feels the "need to be loved" and the sort of things that happen in clubs/bars cannot deliver this to him. So, Morrissey did not accost people in these establishments, hence being the "heir of a shyness that is criminally vulgar", and when he asked his friends about why he was having difficulty having love, people criticised him for his standoffish attitude which caused him to respond "How can you say I go about things the wrong way?".

Of course, art can be interpreted in different ways and I do see the gay side now. I suppose that what I wrote could be true regardless of Morrissey's sexuality.

@spamuell I always heard the chorus as being about gay rights, but I didn't think anyone else did. I like to think of it both ways, as being a pro-gay rights anthem and a portrait of a painfully shy person.

@spamuell I think its on a more basic level regardless of sexual identity. Who hasn't felt alienated and lonely and anxious? Who doesn't want to be loved by someone? Great song and I think relevant at any age really.

@spamuell wow ! you got it.

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