Lyric discussion by Kilo 

Oh, god, not the MTV thing again. I really don't see what the problem is; sure, all the shows suck, but what does that have to do with the videos they play? And if it wasn't on MTV, where else would you see it? VH1 only plays "adult-alternative". All the other music videos are owned by MTV. Launch is nice, but I like to watch videos before they get ran through the grain-o-filter. Near as I can tell, the only reason that a band would stay permanently underground is that NO ONE WANTS TO LISTEN TO THEM. Getting accepted into mainstream is a reflection that it at least sounds good, even if people don't fully appreciate what they're listening to. Unless you make it a point to listen to things that no one else could enjoy, be prepared to hear more of your favorite bands on the radio, or even(GASP!) MTV. I mean, you never hear Juggaloes complain about ICP selling out.

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