Lyric discussion by SexPistolMeowMix 

I dunno. Honestly, listening to and liking rap and punk rock doesn't seem all that bad to me. Probably because I do it (and metal, and Japanese pop, and whatever else pleases my ear). It only gets annoying when people slap on the angst and try to act all hardcore just because they listen to punk, then sag their jeans and put on a jersey because they listen to rap. That kinda stuff just bothers me.

But yeah, I think this song speaks for itself. When did punk rock become so safe? No, when did rock become so safe as a whole? I used to turn on the alternative rock station when I was feeling pissed but now It's like listening to The Backstreet Boys with guitar riffs. I dunno how the airwaves are now seeing as how I havent listened to the radio in a few years but from the stuff I've seen it's not pretty.

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