Lyric discussion by dontstop 

I really think this song is about an affair. But, its an affair that is denying being a "love affair". He is saying in the chorus, "If it really didn't mean anything more than just being physical, then why did you keep going? Why did you make it something special?" When he asks "Why'd you sing with me at all" he's asking, why the heck would you start this thing if you didn't LOVE me.

I think being in an affair would cause you to either totally bring up the L-word or totally deny it. This song is representing the latter. And you know, I think he's also saying, all of the physical stuff doesn't matter. So what that they make out and kiss in private.. he'd rather be assured of love or commitment.

Yep. Not necessarily an "affair", just some sort of relationship where he feels more than she does.

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