Lyric discussion by lennon-mccartney 

I have e theory about that beautifull song and here it is : the guy in the song was in love with a cheating woman but he was the only one in the world that cauldn't see that she was keeping on decieving him so that when he is talking about how he is feelings about her with the ohters "he starts the joke that makes them cry" because they feel so sad for him cos he doesn't know the truth of her. and then he discoverd that his lover is a cheater and so when he is talking about that with the others (not the others mentioned before i think) they started to lough on him cos he was such a fool who discovered it so late. so he is singing "if'd only seen that the joke it was on me" cos he discovered it too late. and he is describing how blind he was by saying "I looked at the skies running my hands over my eyes " does any body have any better idea about that song ?

lennon-mccartney (nice user name by the way), i completely agree with your take. That was mine exactly. that he didn't know he was being made of fool of and everyone knew but him. Terribly sad, pathetic song. the song "Diary" by Bread had a similar message although must more painly spoken.

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