Lyric discussion by relephora 

ONE OF THE MOST EMOTIONAL SONGS FROM RH NEXT TO IDIOTEQUE AND BIG BOOTS/MAN-O-WAR. Since this is a song we all can relate, I'll mention my first listen to it was on a bus, while it was raining and I was reflecting on the past couple of months, and seriously thinking about my life the next year. REALLY RH's SONGS AREN'T MEANT FOR MEANING IN GENERAL BUT PERSONAL MEANING. But yeah, I agree with all of you, this song is about reflection, self-acceptance in life and courage. And at the end of the song when he say's the finishing line, "There was nothing to fear,nothing to doubt", well it just means, through out all of life's bullshit and drama, there was always life, and it's ambition to move on.

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