Lyric discussion by Italian Phaethon 

No, not very strait forward at all... It seems to be a relationship of some sort, whether romantic, familial, or just a friendship, but the verses are one member of the relationship, seemingly a male telling the other (presumably female) that [she] should not kill [her]self,"When you do it, all you do is get on my tits" then the chorus brings in a dialogue of some sort, perhaps between the two, but more likely the person considering suicide with themself, [she] hears "Don't try suicide, nobody's worth it" and then within says, "Nobody cares...Nobody Gives a damn"

Its all about the internal conflict, and how ridiculous it can sometimes be, with such a serious subject the arrangement is almost humorous, as if it were actually satirizing the melodramatic progressive rock bands of the time... my rambling thoughts

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