Lyric discussion by Dangerous_Dave 

"They got sue for this song apparently the phone no. was actually someones real number"

Yep, it was the phone number for a house in Detroit I think, and they sued the band, lol.

The Number is actuall 36-24-36 OH! Thats the Lyric its a number from another country. Maybe Australia?

@Dangerous_Dave @Damnondestroyer - the ORIGINAL recording has Bon singing "three-six-two four-three-six HEY!" which people apparently interpreted as 'eight', and that led to a couple in Illinois suing Atlantic Records for $250k because of hundreds of prank calls.

I'm sure da boys changed that lyric to 'Oh!' as a result (I just listened to the track off the '81 UK single)...which apparently went to something ineffectual that wouldn't care about outside calls, I guess?

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