Lyric discussion by JxPx 

I had maybe heard "Instant Karma!" once or twice before...but I got a copy of "The John Lennon Collection" and when this song started, it was a musical revelation for me. Hearing him strain his voice to belt out, "We all shine on...", gives me chills.

I have to strongly disagree with "Bite Me" on the "superstar" line. Try and think about where John Lennon was at this time...surrounded by the material and superfical rich and famous. I see that line as mocking those type of people...who want fame and fortune over and other good things in life..."Well alright, you are..."

thank you jxpx...yes, I also think John was mocking the superficial tendancies of the rich and about the verses: "why in the world are we here?.. "surely not to live in pain and fear"...why on "earth" would any of us chose fear

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