Lyric discussion by johnpauljones86 

To me the greatest Van song of all time. To me in ranks up there with Stairway. Although sadly the song, along with van, is the most underrated song of all time. I think Van is so great, especially in his 68-74 years he was on fire. Im shocked that he never became the superstar he should have been. You know his work was and is better than most of the dribble on the radio (no offense to anyone in particular). im just saying he is probably tied with bob dylan as the greatest songwriter in rock history. does anyone agree? i also agree with jazzy and corissa. Van is the Man.

@johnpauljones86 I have to agree with you. It's one of the most insipring songs out there.

@johnpauljones86 Hawkwind by Daniel Lanois is another one like that. Beautiful song and lyrics - the best song most people have never heard.

@johnpauljones86 I agree with you, my brother. Underated superstar of undeniable talent, both writing and performing. Unfortunate that he is remembered mostly for brown eyed girl, moon dance, and gloria. Domino and into the mystic are incredible... but let's delve into the soul of Van for a moment... TB sheets was a dark but gritty story of reality in his young world. He nailed it so many times. His rythm and writing were was his voice. I wish you and I could sit down and talk. Van has this special place in my heart. I'm 65 and a...

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