Lyric discussion by Shmac215 

This is a song all girls should relate too. Its about a girl and a guy who like each other and spend a great day together.. but the man wont make a move. So she warns him, not to think he is a super god who can have any girl just fall over him (now dont fool yourself, in thinking your more than a man) She plainly tells him, “if you want me, you better speak up, i wont wait, so you better move fast" So if the guy doesn’t tell the girl he likes her, she will just move on, so he "better speak up."

@Shmac215 Yup. That is what the words mean. Other interpretations are a bit off, or just fantasy. The singer has her feet on the ground and knows herself.
I’m glad I spoke up and moved fast. Now I’ve got the right girl.

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