Lyric discussion by Laura75 

Remember when you were a kid an you dropped food on the groud but ate it anyway because you didn't know anything about germs and dirt and disease because you're a kid and kids don't think about that stuff but then you get older and paranoid and sick and sad and angry and you notice all the crap in the world? This song wishes that didn't happen and warns against it.

To add to what you wrote, I think it's a mix of analogies - a potential relationship after a breakup, or more likely just a flirt at a party, the kind that has a lot of promise but goes nowhere\turns sour, has made the [shy] writer, see all the rotten things that for a moment he didn't notice - "when you notice the stripes, the dirt in your fries". Out of a moment of weakness, he wishes things would have gone differently with the relationship that broke up - "Turn me back into the pet that i was when we...

@OhadKaynar what makes you think the writer is shy?

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