Lyric discussion by epochblue 

The meaning is fairly straightforward. It is about the film Un Chein Andelusia (which is a French surrealist film by Salvador Dali, et al). There's a scene where a man is "slicing up eyeballs" and there a scene where a girl dances ("girlie so groovie"). The film is really screwed up, you know those surrealists.

Anyway - I think the song is really interesting in that it says that he IS the movie, "I am Un Chein Andelusia," and then he he wants to grow up to be a "debaser" (something with diminishes the quality of something).

All this to say that, to me, it seems like he's saying this is a movie that is bringing down the quality of movies in general, and someday he hopes to be able to accomplish the same (to the music industry, perhaps?) Don't know - weird reading of the song, I know, take it for what you will.

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