Lyric discussion by huntmstr 

Malkmus is writing about the end of rule in Turin, Italy under the house of Savoy. Hier Proctor (not Herr Barockter) was the viceroy in the region, of Swiss/German lineage. I'm not sure of the context in which this is written, but apparently "Ray" was a local Italian nobelman who lived in Turin under the Savoy Rule and was fairly wealthy. However, and if my facts are correct, both he and Proctor were having daliances with many of the same women, and in particular, had been cockhold by the same woman. In a cheap attempt to elevate his name from the muck of public scandal, thereby saving public face, he wrote several articles in the local print media. However this thin attempt was a translucent veil to the general population. In order to keep the peace, and show his continued benevolence to the native Turins under his despotism, as well as to help his rival save face and maintain the love of the people, Proctor liberates a portion of the township under Savoy Rule. It becomes an Italian Run area in the lowliest portion of the city. The locals rush to inhabit the free land, because in their eyes living inside the Savoy ruled areas, or on the fringes of the city in their own homes, is not as satisfying as living free in a hovel. "Between here and there is better that either here or there."

Yeah, I pretty much thought it was leaning towards some kinda social scandal in 17th-18th century Europe. Sometimes I think I can read SM's mind...hyulk! Others, I have no fucking idea what he's on about. That's the fun of it, I guess. I made said changes; let me know if you have anymore. :-)

Malkmus is exactly the kind of person who would come on here and explain his lyrics like this in a overly serious way - more serious and thought-out than they were when actually written.

I think you mean cuckold, not cockhold...

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