Lyric discussion by AndiBabe11 

Hes also trying to say that he was a bad person for hurting his love that he cared about alot....he quoted "I never meant to do those things to you"..."I'm sorry that I hurt You" and hes sorry that she had to be the one he did it to, and now he is totally mad at himself..and he NEVER wants to hurt anyone again or go back to the mean person he was so now he is changing himself all because he never wants to hurt one he loves....and hes sorry that he had to learn his lesson and hurt a beautiful person to him..if that makes sense? its kinda hard to explain

@AndiBabe11 aww that’s so cute. My boyfriend & I have been going through some up & downs & he played this song to dedicate to me & I was confused because I wasn’t sure what he was trying to say, until I read the lyrics & saw the meaning. I feel bad now 😭🫶🏼

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