Lyric discussion by dorareever 

I thought I already commented on this song...?? anyway for me it's the saddest song he ever did. It's full of compassion for everyone of the characters, and the line at the end could be referred to the abused girl feeling guilty even if she doens't have any reason why (something that happens often to abused people methinks), the boy that would like to do more for her but he can't, the people she knows at school that are somehow mean with her, and even the father that is guilty but tormented. It's easy doing a song about incest and rape saying "ah the poor victim, lets kill and/or put in prison that bastard", but doing something so subtle, and hopeless, and compassionate, and's another thing completely. I like how he describes the girl not taking care of her appearance, she is depressed because of her home life and probably she does everything not be attractive since her experience of sex has been warped and full of sorrow. I like the whole desperate routine feeling of the lyrics, I like the kinky-sad-guilty-sympathetic whispering. I like the longing for something better than gets frustrated by how sucky reality really is... wonderful.

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