Lyric discussion by phalanx 

Yeah because to be a good poet, you have to have some fantastic deep meaning to your writings to be taken seriously right? Poetry isn't about trying to impress people with your stupid insights, poetry is about expression. The End is a fantastic expression and it broke countless barriers. Think about when this song was released, and what Jim would do with it on stage. The "Fuck the mother, Kill the father" lines that he got fired from Whiskey for are tame now, but back then, something like this was REVOLUTIONARY. The fact that it does follow a stream-of-consciousness path, by delving into Morrison's mind, is in itself indicitive of great poetry. The ride through Jim's psyche this takes is just proof that Morrison was a great poet, to be able to create structure to his abstract feelings is just proof of his ability. Not because he had some lame political ideology.

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