Lyric discussion by LittleBriddie 

I have to agree that it's about sexuality specifically. It can be applied to Catholicism in general, but I hear the repressed sexuality. The opening lines say, "You know how us Catholic girls can be / We make up for so much time a little too late." The stereotype of a Catholic school girl is that sexual innocence. She makes references to the celibate priests, and mentions "My brothers, they never went blind for what they did / But I may as well have." It's that double standard: guys are supposed to "get lucky" but girls are expected to resist, like we should have more control. So stupid. Anyway, I think the way she alludes to the Trinity is interesting; instead of saying the Holy Ghost, she mentions "the Skeptic". It's like part of religion for her is cynicism, like her disbelief that she should be submitted to so many restraints. All in all, this is one of my favorite songs.

I generally agree, but I'll just point out that the brothers going blind line is probably about masturbating (parents used to tell boys that they'd go blind if they masturbated).

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