Lyric discussion by shand2001 

Everyone here is completely off track here. This song is based on the movie "The Last Temptations of Christ" according to JP. Some reason to this is because of the line:

"I turn from a theif to a beggar, from a god to god save me"

Because as the story goes, Jesus was crucified in between a thief and a he could literally "turn" from a theif to a beggar. I have always looked at the song as being sung as if Jesus were in the first person. I dont' think it is meant to be any significant religious statement on JP's part, just a clever song that was based off a movie.

The first two paragraphs, "Waiting" and "Sleeping" could be when he was in the garden praying and asking God to remove His burden while his disciples slept.

The chorus explains how Jesus set out to become the model for a Godly person and provide redemption for humanity, but everyone expected him to be the Messiah that ruled like a king. That's not what happened, and therefore he was "misunderstood".

I completely agree. I kind of had that thought when I first heard the song. I wonder if perhaps the song was written to reflect a more human Jesus, a more historical Jesus, what his final thoughts might have been in actuality.

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