Lyric discussion by shed27 

i found an explination of this song in a book about tom petty

"I think i was coming to grips with the view that you can be optimistic, hopeful and as good a person as you want to be, but its not going to make life simple for you. Nothing will. You can have all the success you want and its not going to make your life-really your personal life-much easier than anyone else's. The song was also influenced by the Gulf War. It was written during the time the war was breaking out, everything was very grey, and there were burning oceans and oil fires. I was disappointed by the war and the attitude of the American people. I certainly didn't blame the soldiers for going there, but I felt that few people wanted to challenge the Bush administration on its lies. It was a bad time and I really think it influenced the tone of the album(Into the Great Wide Open)."

@shed27 I was just listening to this and began wondering what this song was actually about. It's amazing how you worded your response! Even the lyrics about everything being gray and burning ocean oil fires can belated. Thanks for posting!

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