Lyric discussion by Apoll0 

I'm pretty sure this song is referring to the pressure of love. It's about how nobody is immune to the pain love can cause; the world is about love and sometimes relationships can be very hurtful

"It's the terror of knowing what this world is about Watching some good friends screaming "Let me out!""

He sees all the pain associated with love, and his own love is "slashed and torn," so he tries to turn "Away from it all like a blind man".

But at the end, he realizes you can't turn your back on love, despite the pain. You have to love people and care for them even if you've been hurt; you have to give love one more chance.

@Apoll0 I don't think this is particularly about love... Bowie probable found himself under pressure to be the pop icon the Chameleon always expected to change and still produce Popular Art... Everybody is under pressure to conform to society norm, as you realizes what the world is all about ....

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