Lyric discussion by travis420 

Listen you guys could all be right, but have you considered this. He's definately in a relationship with a person male or female, but i think the person is more experienced in life and its pains. This is definately a love making song. The part your sins into me, can be interpreted in 2 ways. A beautiful woman using her mouth (her sin) to pleasure davey. Imagine Davey receiving oral with the line your sins into me playing simultaneously. It just fits. As a rapterous voice escapes i will tremble a prayer, that means when he's about to climax he screams and yells (rapturous voice) but feels somewhat guilty that he asks god to forgive him. Guys, this is a good song to make love to your lady or ladies to!! Davey rulez! Props to hunter, adam, and jade. Sorry if i mispelledd anything, kinda in arush ya know

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