Lyric discussion by caitsith01 

Seems to be saying that self-destruction is a release. By destroying yourself you are freed - people will think you are dead, but in fact you are opening yourself to a new experience, freeing yourself from your torment. So maybe suicide isn't such a bad thing?

Of course, its probably metaphorical.

that is basically it... XD tho he said the song was completly about the el nino

@caitsith01: I mostly agree. I think you have the metaphor correct. However, I don't believe that the song is "saying" that; I prefer to think that Frank/the band are suggesting that these could be thoughts in the minds of the businessmen as they commit these acts. I believe they're trying to imagine how a person could internally rationalize such a murder-suicide. They find the answer to be: the freedom.

I imagine that, for the great songwriters, writing a song is analogous to an actor becoming the character.

@caitsith01 Well, let's put it this way. 7 * 10^9 of one species think it's the way to go. So how could any majority be be that wrong? [-)

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