Lyric discussion by carabiner86 

I interpret this song slightly different.

I feel it is an allusion to Plato's "Allegory of the Cave." While the ideas of commercialism (the people bow and pray to a neon god they made, the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls, etc) run throughout the poem, it also has to do with a frustration the narrator feels with humans in general. They are content to "hear without listening," not willing or interested in focusing on anyone or anything too intently. They are not willing to go beyond the superficial, but merely to accept the world around them, as no one "dares disturb the sounds of silence."

The allusion comes into play in the beginning, as the narrator has a revelation, a vision, that awakes him from this superficial, merely shadowed world. He rises, walks alone as the man in Plato's story did, and he sees the light. He tries to tempt others out of the cave of ignorance and look beyond teh surface of things, but his "words like silent raindrops" fall. His attempts are futile.

That's what I got out of the song, my two cents ^_^ An amazing song no matter how you interpret it!

carabiner86's interpretation of the song is extremely well written and brilliant. Its on the last post on the first page.

I like this interpretation. It seems that much literature may be described as 'a footnote to Plato'...

OK brand new to this site, and I see that already I must complliment a previous Replier person. Love your interpretation and agree whole-heartedly! Better late than never only ELEVEN YEARS SINCE YOU POSTED IT come on people, appreciate the arts!

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