Lyric discussion by bateau 

It's a song about god not being what you expected. God could never be 'the god' to the degree we hold him to. so, you go up to heaven and find there's no divine intervention. things just happen. "no one's running this whole thing." "he said that god takes care of himself and you of you ." he's saying God's no god, he's just another guy, and if he was the god you thought he was, what would he ever want to be concerned with you for? he's not speaking in third person, he's talking about the all powerful god he isn't. It's one of the most creative songs i've ever heard lyrically. its brilliant in how it makes clear the sort of things that could depress anyone. there is no god as we know it, heaven isn't really heaven, its all flawed, just like every where. that's some heaven.

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