Lyric discussion by HappyPhantom020 

When I listen to this song, I can't help but latch onto its religious undertones. It's about more than feeling inadequate and suffering from low self-esteem: it is about the inherently oppressive forces of religious doctrine. "Just what God needs, one more victim." Thus, the title itself suggests the Biblical crucifixion. We crucify ourselves daily because we feel as if we have failed not only our own expectations and those of the people we value, but also those imposed upon us by society at large and religious institutions.

I agree, although I see this song more so as a song about persecution, speaking of religious undertones in the song, Tori once said this:

"The whole Bible Belt banned me for "Crucify" because they thought I was being sacrilegious. They felt that it was detrimental material for their children and that it was blasphemous.", although I highly doubt that she intended to ruffle any feathers with the song.

The line "just what God more victim" is clearly against God. I think that's wrong. It should be against people who put religious expectations so extremely high. God doesn't expect anything from us. He loves us without a condition but it's always been people's favourite hobby to veil that.

While the line sounds like it could be against God, I catch an irony/sarcasm in her tone. I see her rolling her eyes as she sings the line. I think she is saying, in a pointed ironic fashion, that it is not God who is condemning and "crucifying" us. It is we who do it to each other. There's enough suffering in this world for God to deal with, why do we think it's a good idea to turn ourselves into victims of our own expectations.

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