Lyric discussion by Turtle_Soup 

It's a parody of John Lennon's "Norwegian Wood". Dylan and Lennon were very influential on each other (and also very competitive).

A possible metaphor for this song:

  • wheelchair = we are all emotionally handicaped in life, one way or another
  • the phase from wheelchair to the aid of a simple crutch = an individual emotional handicap is not something permanent although it starts out in life as something serious (inability to move on our own)
  • the passing from wheelchair to crutch we hear about at the same person ("you") = may indicate that the healing from the handicap (that requires a wheelchair) is possible and known to happen in time, in a healthy relationship (one that isn't based on a "transaction" - you give/i give) BUT you have to give it time (aka don't ask me to walk without my crutch too early as i might not be healed yet)
  • the last line is the key to the entire song = the author also has a crutch of his own (initially he might also have been in a wheelchair but got rid off it by being in a relationship with "she" until he was asked, much too early, to give away his even his crutch in the name of love; he refused and turned his attention to "you" who respects the delicate law of time passing)
  • one might presume that "she" also had been in a wheelchair but, in the same way as the author, got healed via their relationship and remained with a temporary crutch; however, since we now know that "she" is so eager to give things away in the name of love, "she" might have given her crutch as a offering, of course, much too earlier than necessary.
  • the Jamaican rum is the metaphor for having quality time with somebody and not ruining it by making thoughtless demands - it is also the one thing that the author is requesting throughout the whole song; by having the picture of the wheelchair girl lean against the bottle of rum shows that we all seem to start our relationships by apreciating having quality time with another person but somehow fail to maintain this filosophy later on.
  • Conclusion... the song is not about man's unability to have intimacy with the significant other but rather tries to make a "harsh" point: love does heal our handicaps, whatever these might be, and only through love can we lose our wheelchairs and crutches BUT we must allow time to do all these as love's main role is not an as aiding bandage we selfishly use to make ourselves better, faster; instead, love must be allowed to induce a Jamaican rum euphoria of having good quality time together and the rest will time.

    john lennon wrote norwegian wood to imitate dylan, to try and get some fame by trying out what dylan does, but with this song, bobby d just totally destroys lennon and basically says, thats a pretty good song but im still the king. its the complexity of the song, the sheer unknowingness and beauty of a complex relationship that dylan can detail perfectly but that lennon just touches upon.

    @Turtle_Soup Yes I always that that it was a reply to "Norweigian Wood", then I read that it actually is.

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