Lyric discussion by SexierThanSox 

I don't understand this completely, but so far what others have for this song doesn't fit for me. I does seem of an end to a relationship, but not how the others have, so far, described it. And it needn't be a relationship with a female, you know. It could be with anyone.

"I... I came here by day, but I left here in darkness And found you, found you on the way And now, it is silver and silent, it is silver and cold You, in somber resplendence, I hold" He came there in hope, perhaps, or happiness, but left in sorrow. Between the happiness and sorrow, he ran into this one, this person. It implies that the person possibly had something to do with what caused him the sorrow. Eveything is silver now, the memories, preserved and brought to the fore. Cold in that the feelings they once evoked are now gone. And he holds this image of this person, this somber, serious person. Perhaps to remind himself, though there are no implications to this.

"Your sins into me Oh, my beautiful one Your sins into me As a rapturous voice escapes, I will tremble a prayer And I'll beg for forgiveness (Your sins into me) Your sins into me Oh, my beautiful one" This person had probably blamed it on themselves, perhaps they felt that they were somehow bad for him, had done too many bad things in their life. And he, he is saying that he doesn't care; that he will take the person's sins from them. And this rapturous voice is probably the woice of the one he's taken the sins from. As they are freed, of perhaps it is forgiven, he prays, probably to have the person's sins cleansed, or to be forgiven for taking their sins. (There is another way to view this verse. It is possible that this person had done things to him, bad things, and that is what is meant by "Your sins into me". He still cannot see the badness in this person, or perhaps believes that there is still beauty in them, hence "my beautiful one". This rapturous voice may be a symbol of the glee this person takes in their passing of sins; their bad doings. And he is perhaps praying to be forgiven by the person, such as in an abusive relationship.)

I would go on, but you get the idea. Besides, I am dead tired. If anyone wants me to continue this, just PM me, or post it up here. To be quite honest, I'd be very surprised if anyone did. And if there are any parts that you don't think fit to what I've put up as my point, tell me. It may help me clarify my opinion, or see it in a new light. Or, I'd just end up explaining it to you, whether it makes sense or not. Personally, I'd prefer the former.

"Sometimes, I feel as though, if I looked in a mirror, it would crack; shatter itself into the perfect reflection of the many sharp, jagged pieces of my soul." ~SoS~ (me, by the way)

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