Lyric discussion by rainydayboy 

geniuses. he is so goddamn funny. i love the sick humor. although.....dude, this song is actually NOT so true. that to me is why its so funny, because its so wrong. if i must get inot a debate I must. here it is: when he says 35% of accidents are drunk and 65% of accidents are not this is true, but this misrepresents the facts. the facts are that there are far far afar far fewer drunk drivers than sober drivers. Thus even though there are fewer drunk accidents per total number of accidents, drunk driving is still far more dangerous, far far more dangerous. If you don't agree with my reasoning read over this email again, it will eventually make sense, if not please explain where my reaosning is flawed. Please do not go out and drink and drive because of this song though. that was not his intention, this is not a rant against the "unfair" drinking and driving laws. Those laws are there for a reason. the song itself was a joke, a sick joke yes, but thats why it was funny.

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