Lyric discussion by TasChiBandGirl 

I love this song...I really do. What it's about? Well, I'm thinking it's about this person who is thinking about situations that they're stuck in. This thing is driving him nuts, and he can't do much. The line "Ghosts appear and fade away..." is like the flashbacks of the situations. He knows they'll be alright but still, he worries about them. Everyday, the situations reappear, and there's no way for him to make them go away.

Kind of reminds me of my own situations....right now, a whole bunch of my friends are pretty much estranged from each other. We still barely talk, and it is sure as hell not the same. I think about these things all time. My friends are now those ghosts that appear and fade away. I guess that's why the show Scrubs used this song. It's just overkill....that's all...

ghost represents issues in his life, like a problem you having that resolves itslef, its really about letting go of your worries and fears and not letting them consume you. but your free to entrpret it however you like... unless your stuped... then i control your opinions>('w')<

This is part of an interview about the song :

This is part of an interview about the song :

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