Lyric discussion by chibi_bumblebee 

My Dad is a BIG Zeppelin fan, and i have to say that some of it has worn off on me. This is one of my favorite songs, it's best listened to in the rain, or in a car-ride. I guess it reminds me of alot of things that i've seen people i've met. It's about impressions, and how you can change the world with them. Kiss the flowers while they are alive.

Yeah, I can totally relate to this song, man. Plant's lyrics are very introspective. It always brings to mind this one kid I used to know, he's in the Navy now, got accepted into the Accademy or whatever, was the salutitorian at my high school graduation, while I barely passed and had it planned to just recieve my diploma, walk out and flip off the guy who gave it to me, lol.. that never happened because I was misinformed that they would give us an empty plaque so nothing that revolutionary would happen :( lol, anyway, it's...

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