Lyric discussion by Sage865711916 

This is someone completely under the control of others. But the person likes the experience, and doesn't want it to end. He doesn't want to have the responsibility of finding his own direction, so he just follows other, and let's them decide who he becomes. They give him things that look good, but don't necessarily have real value (chrome buttons, etc.). And that's pretty much the direction he's headed in, something that looks good but is fake and meaningless. Even if he knew this, he wouldn't care, because he is too intimidated by others to try to form his own identity. Even if he doesn't like who he's becoming, he'll still go on with it. He'll just want it to keep going so maybe he can see that in the end things will turn out okay. And even if he has doubts, he'll always go back. And if he tries to be his own person, he'll fail. He'll be under the control of others. He just wants it to end, but it won't. It can't.

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