Lyric discussion by AdSteR 

Umm just thought Id say Ive been on the Art Bell site, checked out their archives and found that theres no mention of the guy calling back a few days later to say it was all a hoax...

In fact it just says that it really distressed Art a lot that someone could shut down the signal and interestingly it was before the call had ended, and has never happened before or after this incident. Meaning that realistically it HAS to be related and possibly caused by someone... spooky...

In fact, I wouldn't even be surprised that the government would themselves call back later to say "I did it! It was a hoax" and con everyone into believing it wasn't real... or maybe it WAS a hoax. Who knows. The point is, no matter what they say, keep an open mind about everything, and I think Tool would agree.

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