Lyric discussion by kaisute 

Selfish fools always think their interpretation of a song is the absolute truth... In truth all of you may be right, and according to those who wrote it, none of you may be right. The beauty of art and music is that it can all be so full of so many different meanings. So, while all people may agree, that may not be what the song was about. And one person who nobody agrees with may be right... In truth nobody is right and nobody is wrong. So many times people overthink and delve into the psyche of their favourite singers, trying to find a more personal meaning when it may be about something so obvious. While one says it's a metaphorical term, it may have originally been intended to be about physical distance. So, enjoy for the sake of enjoyment. Find meaning first in yourself, then in others. A weak man will try to find power in others, a wise man will find power in himself.

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