Lyric discussion by 

I thought comparing the rapture to sex was an incredible analogy, but corporate American to penetration, how great is that? The husband in the last two songs is now at work. He is getting fired because he “isn’t moving units”. That right there is corporate America. If you are not “making dollars then it isn’t making sense”.
The last line of the chorus not only depicts the problem with the business world, but also the attitude of this man. “If it isn't penetration, then it isn't worth a kiss”. The small things in life no matter, count. What is the point of kissing if it doesn’t lead anywhere? Man, our world has so many problems. This song reminds me of the seen in American Beauty where Kevin Spacey gets fired. Accept this guy is going for penetration. He wants it all. The first two lines of this song also hit on a similar theme. The gray-haired idealist and the successful man not walking all over people below him our pictures of people who have a hope in the future. They are what Christians should be. We should still dream when we are old and still take care of the poor when we are not. But as David Bazan points out about society, no one has these standards they are only found in advertisement.

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