Lyric discussion by Moulingalette 

So what if his ideas are communistic. If we could live in a communist world without people being selfish, it would be great. People just look down on communism because of its misuse in other countries. Are you saying that his idea to live as "A brotherhood of man" is something that we should not strive for? Lennon sings of peace, and having a God has NOTHING to do with peace. You can not prove the existance of God, and even if you could, you could definitly not prove that he plays any role in our world. Obviously, if God was omniscient, omnibenevolent, and omnipotent, as most religions claim he is, then there would be no suffering in the world for good people; but suffering does happen to many people that are good, just look at Princess Diana, so this kind of God does not exist and possibly none does, at least not one that does anything but perhaps observe us.

It is people like you, obviously needing your possessions and God for support, that make his ideal unrealized.

@Moulingalette Would you be OK with ridding yourself of all of your possessions, including clothing, your computer or smartphone you used to write this post, or any other thing you own? Also, nobody can prove that God doesn't exist, either. There is suffering in this world because there is free will; there will invariably be some people who choose to make life miserable for others, either inadvertently or purposefully for some underlying reason. We can't all be the same because we are human beings, not robots. There has always been a driving force in mankind, and that's to have as...

@Moulingalette communism is part of marxism and that work out so WELL for Soviet Russia didnt it? you want to live under a globalist dictatorship? hoe about you commie lovers move to North Korea or China and leave the rest of the world alone, this song is propaganda pipe dream that leads to more brainwashed idiots wanting us to give up our individual rights and freedoms for an ideal

@Moulingalette wow how ignorant. you dont care about it being communistic? then you must no fck all about the horrors people suffered and died in the millions under the tyranny of communism, people like you are why the world will be in a bad place and will never get better because you cling to sh!tty unrealistic ideals that cause starving and genocide

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