Lyric discussion by ballzofsno 

It's the classic Men Are from Mars/Women Are from Venus. He loves her with all his heart, she is too blinded by insecurity to see and he is too lost in himself to show it. Bummer. Been there before.

The best part is the flow of the song, the way the lyrics are carried with the flow ("Dancing in the deepest oceans/Twisting in the water/Just like a dream"). It's a great technical blending of the two song elements that just catches your ear the first time you hear it, and makes you enjoy it forever.

I am replying over 8 years later, oddly enough I have a strange story to share about this song. 8 years ago a man, young man then maybe 22 that I just adored with all my 21 year old heart - we were on this weird wild rollercoaster type was so obvious we were more than fond of each other. Anyway, the last night I saw him, we were in his truck, he played this song, it was funny because he made the intent to play this song not by chance. I hadn't heard the song in years...always was...

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