Lyric discussion by nayr 

"A yellow ribbon, instead of a swastika"

A yellow ribbon is used, in the United States, to signify support for its troops in foreign wars. A yellow ribbon was most recently used to show support of US troops in the Gulf War, the focus of the song. A swastika is the symbol of the Nazi Party, now illegal, in Germany, and of Nazism in general.

this is talking about the fighting in the wars being no better than the nazis but for some reason it is celebrated in america.


...In world war 2 Nazis wore swastika on their arm, and they were mark Jews with yellow ribbon to make them be obvious. I think meaning is that Jews, who had yellow ribbons, took Nazis place today ("A yellow ribbon, instead of a swastika"), becouse they holding most of the media, money, industry, and manipulating America to fight their wars. They doing same thing like Nazis then to common people, "bullet in the head" trough TV... P.S. Sorry becouse of my bad English.

balcan boy

This isn't correct.

Yellow Ribbons are worn by Americans, to support the US army, in foreign wars.

They're, generally, seen as quite controversial by liberals (RATM), as not everyone supports invading other countries.

They're basically saying that American invading Iraq (what the song is about) is no different to the Nazis invading Poland..........

Nazis wore swaztikas to support their troops. Americans wear yellow ribbons

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