Lyric discussion by anna118k 

I didn't understand this song at first, and I had to have a friend explain it to me. She said that this song is about disapointment... disappointment over a guy. She thought "it was a bird, but it was just a paper bag". She thought that this guy was going to be this wonderful perfect dude.. but it turns out that he's "Just a paper bag". Not exceptional or wonderful at all. Not a man, but a "little boy".

I finally figured it out. Fiona is basically saying she's a girl with many issues, emotional baggage, etc. She needs a man who can cope with that. Someone mature, who can listen and understand and be a shoulder to lean on when she's feeling "crazy" because of emotional issues, like mentioned before. I know this because I'm one of these girls. They need someone with enough life experience to understand emotional trauma and personal issues and be able to love someone despite those things:

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