Lyric discussion by vampd 

tool kicks ass! i think there songs can have different meanings to different people depending on their past experiences--i've recently lost a good friend of mine over something stupid to me this song is about a friendship or a relationship that suddenly failed.

"I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them fall away"- means that once everything was put together great but then something went wrong and the relationship fell apart.

"Testing our communication"- meaning through the relationship there were tests and events that tried to bring the realationship apart but failed.

"the light that fuled our fire than has burned a hole between us so"- meaning that the relationship it's self grew old and fell apart on it's own--

"crippling our communication" -means the relationship begins to slow down and slowly fall apart.

"no fault none to blame"- meaning it's no ones fault, the relationship just grew old.

"to point the finger blame the other" -meaning there is anger and sore feelings and that anger is expressed by putting the blame on the other-just human nature.

"to bring the pieces back together and rediscover communitcation" -meaning the relationship will never be over--when you meet a person and share experiences with someone, that person is apart of your life forever and no matter what happens they will always be apart of your life and your experience of living. so, after the relationship has been put on a temporary stand-by, the pieces can still come back together and communication can be rediscovered.

"the poetry that comes from the squarring off between and the circling is worth it finding beauty in the dissonace" this is the best part of the song-i believe it means that through the break off of this relationship, there is anger and hurt feelings, and through these feelings one is inspired

"finding beauty in the dissonance"-the inspiration that comes from the disagreement of the individuals in the relationship.

"ive done the math enough to know the dangers of a second guessing" -meaning that there has been thought put towards re-establishing the relationship and the downfalls that could occur from it.

"doomed to crumble unless we grow, and strengthen our communication"-meaning with the sepration, if the people don't grow and realize the mistake of breaking off the relatioship, than communication is lost forever.

"cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion"-meaning the silence and lack of communication decreases any compassion felt between the two.

"between supposed lovers, between supposed brothers"-lovers being a romantic relationship, brothers being a friendship.

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