Lyric discussion by Arch Angel Azrael 

This song is one of the most meaningful songs i've ever listened to. The message is fairly simple, but the way that he expresses himself throughout the song is so real, and so full of emotion that you can't help being drawn into the song. Maybe its just because i have been in exactly the same situation myself and i can empathise with the lyrics, but the hopelessness of his situation is depicted with the great contradictions. You give it all, but i want more. Nothing to win, nothing left to lose. The basic problem is that being with her is too hard to bear because he wants her so much, and being away from her is too much for the same reason. On a bed of nails she makes me wait. You give it all but i want more. He is showing his mixed feelings. He is angry that she is letting him stay in this situation, yet he knows that she is doing all she can. Hrmmm...i've gone on for a bit haven't's just that this song is the story of my life, so i kinda could talk about it for a while...but i guess i'll just leave it here...

No. No. No. You guys (and gals) got it all wrong. You have totally misunderstood Bono. Bono is a very religious person - specifically Christian. Many, many U2 songs are sprinkled with or are about the relationship of man to God. In With or Without You, the singer of the song (symbolically of course) is Jesus. What Jesus is saying is that he is so disappointed in your sins that he can't live with you but loves you so much that he also cannot live without you. "See the stone set in your...

I think you're on the right track, Discerner. These lyrics are far more denser then "just" a relationship drama.

I agree in my opinion i believe its the fact he cannot go on with her because he has been pulled to the boundary he has nothing left to give her and on the without you bit i believe its because he has so many mixed up feelings he has failed to be happy in love with her so he has to put up with what is thrown his way which reminds me of alot of my situations you see :)

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