Lyric discussion by appypollyloggy 

you know it really seems like the beach boys had a thing against the beatles..why? i know this really doesn't have much to do with the song but i really wanna know why...'cause my friend went to a beach boys concert/reunion and they were constantly dissing the beatles for some reason.

People can say things to jab each other - often it is just in fun. It's a know fact that John&Paul admired Brian Wilson's skills -especially "Pet Sounds". It is more likely that they were just talking smack.

You got it, MicSckitz. The Lads and the BB's had a friendly rivalry. Smack talk is all it was.

@appypollyloggy You must be young( than me) In 1964 when the Beatles hit America the Beach Boys were huge. Kinda killed their fame although I think Brian thought they were great and a great reason to motivate him. Some of his best stuff came after 1964

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