Lyric discussion by krish05 

this song effects me in a couple different ways. first, i found out my boyfriend at the time when i heard this song was diagnosed w/ cancer. he was given a year. the song starts out..."I'm not talkin bout a year". it crushed me, and i really went into a deep depression because of all the things going on in my life, and the song triggered how much i realized that no one can promise forever. it was crazy to think that i was in a relationship w/ a guy i truly admired, and one day, he found out he didnt have forever. we decided to continue our current relationship as friends becasue he was goin to be busy w/ family, etc. then, the song meaning changed drastically about a month ago when i was saved. "born-again" in the christian faith. i broke down again listening to this song, but this time realizing that god had a purpose for my life, and that he wanted me on sundays, not on the weekends, not giving my forever away to anyone else. All i know is that i have an amazing hope and now a purpose in life that has given me more peace than anything i've ever experienced. i'm not trying to offend anyone....but i do believe in having faith, and i believe that to find urself, u have to find a place to put ur faith. find a bible, and if it doesnt answer every one of ur questions, then get back to me, becasue jesus christ is my best friend, and i couldnt imagine where i'd be w/ out him. "come to me all who are weary and burdend, and u will find rest for your souls." go, find it, its in there

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