Lyric discussion by workingclasshero_149 

well i agree that this does capture the true meaning of capatalismbut i dont agree with the 2nd person who said stuff about this song because if you really do like john lennon and try to be in the state of mind he was in you wouldnt think of your self as working class scum and i think no 1 is working class scum there r only 2 things important to me in my life and that is someday there being peace and god wich dosent sound much like anything john would say except the peace part but every 1s different so i hope u help and contribute to world peace because someday we will acheive it and 1 more things i bet none of u would guess this im only 14 and if you wanna chat with me my yahoo handle is workingclasshero_149 and if every 1 demanded peace instead of a new televison set there would be peace

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